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The Ultimate Guide to Writing the Perfect Cover Letter

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"I could definitely have made that more inticing," is something I often hear from my clients after I give them their first feedback regarding their cover letters. They always start their coaching sessions after receiving numerous rejections. Upon reviewing their applications, clear patterns emerge: The cover letter follows a standard format and thus gets lost in the pile of applications that were more or less copied and pasted.

In this blog, I'll tell you everything about the perfect cover letter so that you can land more interviews and never have to wonder again why people less qualified than you are getting better jobs.


Why the Cover Letter is Crucial

A resume may showcase your qualifications, but it's the cover letter that truly directs attention to you as a person. A compelling cover letter can make the difference between getting an interview or a rejection. In a world where almost everyone has looked for a job at some point or another, creating a cover letter that grabs the attention of hiring managers and optimally presents your skills and experiences is crucial.

The Art of Storytelling in the Cover Letter

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Storytelling is at the heart of a captivating cover letter. Instead of starting with standard phrases like "I am applying for," your cover letter should tell a story. This story should reflect your motivation, experiences, and enthusiasm for the position and the company. Here are some tips on how to effectively use storytelling in your cover letter:

  1. Personal Introduction: Begin with an anecdote or experience that illustrates your connection to the industry or your motivation for applying. For example: "Since childhood, I have been fascinated by technology that enhances life. When I first saw a robot in action, I knew I wanted to be part of this future."

  2. Relevant Experiences: Share a brief story about a professional experience that highlights your skills and qualifications for the position. For example: "In my last role at [Company], I increased team efficiency by 20% through the implementation of a new software solution."

  3. Passion and Enthusiasm: Let your enthusiasm for the position and the company shine through. For example: "The innovation and team spirit at [Company] inspire me, and I am confident that my skills can make a valuable contribution."

Avoiding Standard Phrases and Boring Clichés

Avoid sentences that seem interchangeable and offer no added value. Instead of saying "I am applying for," you could write: "The position of [Job Title] at [Company] is particularly appealing to me because...". Also, avoid unnecessary clichés and focus on concrete statements that highlight your uniqueness. It's important not to use templates from the internet or have the cover letter written by AI, such as ChatGPT, as it should sound authentic.

Structure and Format of a Perfect Cover Letter

A well-structured cover letter is easy to read and leaves a lasting impression. Here is a proven structure you can use:

  1. Header: Your contact information, date, and the company's contact information.

  2. Introduction: An engaging opening that piques the reader's interest.

  3. Body:

  • Why You?: Explain your relevant experiences and skills.

  • Why This Company?: Show that you have researched the company and explain why you want to work there.

  • Why This Position?: Justify why this specific position interests you and how you can contribute.

  1. Conclusion: A strong closing that expresses your desire for an interview. For example: "I look forward to discussing how my skills and experiences can contribute to the success of [Company] in a personal conversation."

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Common Cover Letter Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Here are some common mistakes I frequently see after reviewing many cover letters, along with tips on how to avoid them:

  1. Impersonal and Generic: Personalize each cover letter for the specific position and company.

  2. Lack of Evidence: Avoid claims without specific examples or evidence. Use numbers and achievements to support your statements.

  3. Too Long or Too Short: A cover letter should be about one page long. Avoid unnecessary details and focus on the essentials.

  4. Grammar and Spelling Errors: Have someone proofread your cover letter or use spelling and grammar checkers.

  5. Unclear Value Proposition: Make it clear what you bring to the company and how you can contribute to solving their problems.

Checklist for Your Perfect Cover Letter

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  1. Personalization: Each cover letter is tailored to the position and company.

  2. Storytelling: Your story is captivating and demonstrates your motivation and qualifications.

  3. Concrete Examples: Your statements are supported by specific experiences and achievements.

  4. Clear Structure: Your cover letter is logically organized and easy to read.

  5. Grammar and Spelling: No errors that leave an unprofessional impression.

  6. Strong Introduction and Conclusion: Your cover letter begins and ends with a strong impression.


Despite many templates available on the internet, every cover letter must be tailored in content and appearance to the applicant. Now you have all the "rules" to consider. Remember, your cover letter along with our resume is your first impression and determines whether you make it to the shortlist.

As if finding a suitable job offer that matches your qualifications and is also within commuting distance isn't difficult enough! Then you have to apply at the right time and compete against other applicants. That's why it's important to leave a good first impression with the hiring manager and capture their attention!

We know from personal experience how challenging it can be to find a job with long-term prospects. Companies with a respectful corporate culture along with an exciting role with opportunities to grow can be found with the right strategy. That's why we help our clients tailor the perfect cover letter for each company. Through government funding from the employment agency, you can be fully sponsored so you don't have to finance your coaching during your job search!

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