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Successful through Career Coaching and Systemic Coaching: Your Career Path

Updated: Jun 23

In a constantly changing job market, many people face challenges that can be difficult to tackle alone. Whether you want to reorient your career, have trouble finding a job, or feel stuck in your current position, career coaching can help you. But what exactly happens during career coaching, and what role does systemic coaching play? In this blog article, I will explain step-by-step how we work in career coaching, the importance of addressing your individual needs, and how we use systemic coaching to identify and overcome barriers to finding employment.

Understanding Your Individual Needs

Every person is unique, and this is also true for their career challenges and goals. Therefore, the first step in career coaching is to understand your individual needs. In a detailed initial consultation, we take the time to learn more about you, your professional situation, your goals, and the challenges you face.

Your Personal Goal

Maybe you want to steer your career in a new direction, perhaps you are looking for ways to better utilize your skills, or you simply want to figure out what the next step in your career should be. Your goal is the guiding star for the entire coaching process.

Your Current Situation

We analyze your current professional situation: Where do you stand at the moment? What are your previous experiences and qualifications? What resources are available to you? This understanding forms the basis for developing a tailored coaching plan.

Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Another crucial aspect is the analysis of your strengths and weaknesses. What are you particularly good at? In which areas is there room for improvement? This self-awareness helps us set realistic and achievable goals.

Developing an Individual Plan

Ein Bild von einer Person auf einem Weg Richtung Berge mit der Beschreibung "now", "next", "later"

Based on the information gathered in the initial conversations, we create an individual coaching plan. This plan is specifically tailored to your needs and goals and includes concrete steps that we will tackle together.

Goal Setting and Milestones

We define clear goals and set milestones to help you measure your progress. These milestones are small, achievable steps on the path to your larger goal.

Strategy Development

We develop strategies to achieve your goals. This might include improving your application documents, preparing for interviews, or developing a network in your industry.

Regular Review

The plan is regularly reviewed and adjusted as needed. We want to ensure that you are on the right track and that the coaching process brings you the maximum benefit.

Identifying Barriers to Finding Employment

An essential part of career coaching is identifying employment barriers. These barriers can be of various kinds and can significantly hinder your career progress. Here are some common employment barriers that we analyze and address in the coaching process:

Ein Bild von einem Mann der vor einem Zaun stehe und durchschaut

Lack of Work Experience

Often, missing or inadequate qualifications are a hurdle on the path to your dream job. We help you identify these gaps and find possible further training measures.

Low Self-Confidence

Low self-confidence can prevent you from applying successfully at the right jobs or convincing in interviews. We'll work on increasing your self-confidence and giving you the necessary tools to master the interview.

Inadequate Application Documents

Your application documents are your business card. If they are not professional and appealing, you can be quickly sorted out. That'S why we'll support you in optimizing your documents.

Lack of Network Contacts

A good network can make the difference between getting a job or not. We'll show you how to build and maintain a professional network.

Lack of Orientation

Sometimes you might not know exactly which direction you want to go. We'll help you gain clarity and define a concrete career path.

Overcoming Employment Barriers with Systemic Coaching

To overcome these employment barriers, we often use systemic coaching in career coaching. But what exactly is systemic coaching, and how does it work?

What is Systemic Coaching?

Systemic coaching is an approach that assumes people are part of systems, whether in the family, among friends, or at work. These systems influence your behavior, thought patterns, and decisions. The goal of systemic coaching is to recognize these connections and bring about positive changes.

The Principles of Systemic Coaching

  1. Holistic Approach: Systemic coaching does not view you in isolation but in the context of your relationships and environment. It's about how you interact in your professional and personal system and what interactions exist.

  2. Resource Orientation: The focus is on your resources and strengths, not on your weaknesses. We work on activating and utilizing these resources.

  3. Solution Orientation: Instead of endlessly analyzing problems, we look for solutions. Together, we develop concrete steps to achieve your goals.

  4. Reflection and Perspective Change: Systemic coaching encourages you to view your situation from different perspectives. This can open up new insights and solutions.

The Process of Systemic Coaching

  1. Clarifying the Assignment: At the beginning, we clarify together what you want to achieve through the coaching. We set the goals and define the results you wish for.

  2. Systemic Analysis: We look at your professional and personal environment. What influences affect you? What patterns and structures shape your behavior and decisions?

  3. Resource Work: We identify your strengths and resources and consider how you can use them specifically to achieve your goals.

  4. Developing Solutions: Together, we develop concrete solutions and strategies to overcome the identified barriers. We use various techniques and methods of systemic coaching.

  5. Implementation and Reflection: We implement the developed solutions in practice and regularly reflect on your progress. We adjust the strategies as needed.

Concrete Methods in Systemic Coaching

Systemic coaching uses a variety of methods and techniques to bring about changes. Here are some examples:

  1. Systemic Constellations: By positioning people or symbols in a room, relationship networks and dynamics become visible. This can lead to new insights and solutions.

  2. Reflection Questions: Targeted questions help you question your thought patterns and adopt new perspectives.

  3. Resource Activation: Exercises and interventions aimed at activating and strengthening your inner resources.

  4. Metaphors and Stories: The use of metaphors and stories can clarify complex connections and reveal new solution paths.


Examples from Our Clients

To illustrate the application of systemic coaching in career coaching, I would like to present some examples from our previous clients.

Case Study 1: Re-entering the Workforce after Parental Leave

Eine Familie bestehend aus zwei Eltern und zwei Kindern läuft am Strand entlang

Client 1 wanted to re-enter the workforce after parental leave and was frustrated that this was not happening as quickly as she had hoped. Despite having excellent qualifications and previously working for a well-known corporation, she struggled to get new job offers. One main issue was her fear of conducting job interviews in German, as her native language was different.

In coaching, we specifically addressed these fears. Through systemic coaching, we identified and resolved the roots of her insecurity. We used various techniques to boost her confidence and improve her communication skills. Over time, her fear decreased, and she became more confident in interviews. The result was impressive: She received more and more interviews and eventually several job offers. Shortly after our coaching ended, I received a picture of her at her first company Christmas party!

Case Study 2: Deciding Between Self-Employment and Employment

Ein Mann sitzt um Zug am Fenster und denkt nach

Client 2 had been self-employed for over 10 years and had not written any job applications during this time. He was unsure whether to continue his self-employment or take a permanent position while continuing the business on the side. This uncertainty was amplified by the responsibility of providing for his family.

In coaching, we analyzed his current situation and career goals. We worked on highlighting his skills and experiences and presenting them optimally in application documents and interviews. Through systemic coaching, we were able to address his options, resolve uncertainties and explore both scenarios.

The result was that Client 2 received interviews and thus a new career perspective. Now he has both options available: He could decide whether to continue his self-employment or take the permanent position while running the business on the side. This clear perspective allows him to make a well-informed decision that meets both his professional and family needs.

Case Study 3: A Fresh Start after Burnout

Eine Frau hält ihre Hände an ihre Stirn und sieht besorgt aus

Client 3 had extremely negative experiences in her last job and had to quit due to burnout. Despite having strong qualifications, she was afraid of experiencing another negative situation in a new job. Her focus after the burnout was initially on her mental health.

In coaching, we took the time to process her past experiences and address her fears. Through systemic coaching, we were able to work through the negative experiences and help her build new self-confidence. A key point was showing her that she can be successful despite her fears.

We prepared Client 3 for new professional situations and strengthened her confidence in her abilities. Through coaching, she eventually experienced a success story: She received a job offer that matched her qualifications and did not endanger her mental health. This positive experience gave her the necessary motivation and confidence to start a new career challenge.


Career coaching is an intensive and individual process that helps you achieve your professional goals and overcome challenges. By analyzing your needs and creating a tailored plan, we define concrete steps that bring you closer to your goal.

Systemic coaching plays a central role in this process by illuminating the connections in your professional and personal environment and helping you bring about positive changes. By identifying and addressing barriers to finding employment, new perspectives and opportunities for your professional success emerge.

If you are ready to take the next steps in your career and achieve your professional goals, career coaching is the right path for you. Together, we will develop solutions tailored to you and support you in realizing your full potential. Let’s get started!


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