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How You Can Get More Than Just Any Job through Career Coaching


Career coaching can do much more than just help you find any job. It's about strategically planning and advancing your career. This involves analyzing your strengths, adjusting career goals, conducting market research, and developing effective job application strategies. In this blog, you'll learn about the various aspects of our funded career coaching and how it can help you find not just a job, but the right job.

Strengths Analysis and Goal Setting for the Perfect Job

Ein professioneller Mann mit Brille lächelt.

A key component of career coaching is analyzing your individual strengths. An experienced coach assists in identifying your abilities and talents and aligning them with your career goals. This allows you to develop a clear understanding of which career paths suit you best and how to optimize your strengths.

Why is Strengths Analysis Important?

Many people are not aware of their own strengths or how to effectively utilize them in their careers. A thorough strengths analysis helps provide clarity. It enables you to present yourself with more confidence and use your skills effectively. You'll discover and develop your strengths through various methods such as personality and interest assessments, feedback sessions, and reflection exercises.

Goal Setting: Where Should the Journey Lead?

Zwei Personen klettern. Eine der beiden zieht den anderen hoch auf einem Felsen.

After identifying your strengths, the next step is to set realistic and achievable career goals. This is a critical step as your next job determines the direction of your career. Once you've defined your career goals that not only match your strengths and interests but also align with current market conditions, the application process can begin. Goal setting involves establishing short-term and long-term goals, creating an action plan, and regularly reviewing and adjusting these goals.

Market Research

The next step is market research. We assist our clients in analyzing the job market to find out which companies and industries best align with their goals and abilities. This includes identifying companies that not only offer good working conditions but also provide an environment for further development. This targeted research helps focus your job application strategy and increase your chances of finding a suitable position.

The Importance of Market Research

Thorough market research is crucial to gaining a clear understanding of the job market. It helps you identify the best opportunities and potential employers. Without thorough research, you could spend a lot of time and energy applying to companies that do not align with your goals and values or have the budget to meet your salary expectations. Good market research enables you to focus your application activities on the most promising options.

Methods of Market Research

There are various methods to analyze the job market, including using online job boards, analyzing industry reports, participating in job fairs and career days, and networking with professionals in your field. You'll learn how to effectively use these resources to find the best job opportunities. Another important aspect of market research is understanding the corporate culture and values of potential employers to ensure they align with your own ideals.

Applying and Networking  Successfully

Eine Gruppe von Leuten lernen sich auf einer Veranstaltung kennen

A good application is more than just a resume and cover letter. It's important to professionally and effectively write and submit your application once you've learned how to present your strengths and experiences in a way that grabs the attention of employers. Additionally, networking and personal contacts play a crucial role in job hunting. Building and utilizing a strong professional network can lead to "hidden" job opportunities that are often not officially advertised and to as well as connections to hiring managers.

Crafting the Perfect Resume and Cover Letter

A professional resume and a compelling cover letter are crucial to grabbing employers' attention. Your resume should clearly and concisely highlight your qualifications, experiences, and achievements. Your resume should showcase your strengths effectively, and the cover letter should be tailored specifically to the position and company you're applying to. It should demonstrate your motivation and interest in the position and show how you can add value to the company without looking like a standard template from the internet.

Mastering the Job Interview

Eine Frau und ein Mann sitzen am Tisch für ein Vorstellungsgespräch

In addition to your written application, your personal impression at the job interview is a crucial step in the application process. A career coach can prepare you for job interviews through simulations and feedback sessions. This includes preparing for commonly asked questions, practicing body language and expression, and developing a strategy to convincingly present your strengths and experiences during the interview. With the right preparation, you can exude confidence and competence, thus increasing your chances of landing the desired position.

Networking: Building and Leveraging Contacts

Networking is an indispensable part of modern job hunting. Many positions are filled through personal contacts and networks before they are even publicly advertised. Developing and implementing effective networking strategies are crucial to securing your job. This includes using professional networks like LinkedIn or Xing, participating in industry events, and maintaining contacts with former colleagues and supervisors. A strong network can give you access to exclusive job opportunities and help you obtain valuable information about the job market.

Online Presence and Personal Branding

Eine Frau mit einem Hut sitzt am Lapton zuhause

In today's digital world, a strong online presence is essential. Your career coach can show you how to optimize your online profiles on platforms like LinkedIn or Xing and how to professionally present yourself on social media. Personal branding is the process of communicating your unique professional identity and value proposition. A consistent and professional online presence can increase your chances of being noticed by potential employers and network partners.

Funded by the Employment Agency or Job Center

Our career coaching is funded through the Activation and Placement Voucher (AVGS) from the Employment Agency or Jobcenter and provides valuable support for job seekers. Unemployed individuals often receive only 60% of their last net salary, so it's crucial to find a suitable job quickly and without the burden of high costs for career coaching. An AVGS can help you access professional coaching that significantly improves your chances in the job market. With targeted measures such as strengths analysis, market research, and application training, you are well-positioned to find a suitable job.

What is the AVGS and How Does It Work?

The Activation and Placement Voucher (AVGS) is a funding instrument of the Federal Employment Agency that helps job seekers find employment faster through professional support. With an AVGS, job seekers can access various services, including career coaching, application training, and recruitment services. We can help you apply for the AVGS and create an individual plan to increase your chances in the job market.

Benefits of the AVGS for Job Seekers

The AVGS offers numerous benefits for job seekers. It provides access to professional services that may otherwise be unaffordable. Through the AVGS, you can prepare optimally for your job search and receive support from experienced coaches. This can strengthen your motivation and self-confidence and help you successfully navigate the challenges of the job market.

Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for the AVGS

Applying for an AVGS is a simple process that requires only a few steps. First, you need to submit an application to your local Employment Agency or Jobcenter. You can conveniently do this through your account. We'll provide you with a template that you can submit to your care worker. This template helps you clearly communicate your need for career coaching and explain how this measure can help you find employment faster. Once you've submitted the application, we're also happy to answer any questions from your case worker so you don't have to explain anything. Second, after the application is approved, you will receive the AVGS, which you can then redeem with us as a certified coaching provider. Your career coach will guide you through the entire process and ensure that you receive the best possible support.


Career coaching goes far beyond simple job hunting. It helps you strategically plan your career, leverage your strengths, and achieve your professional goals. Through targeted market research, creating professional applications, and effective networking, your chances of finding the right job increase. With the support of a career coach, you're not just aiming for any job, but for a fulfilling and long-term successful career.

A career coach can help you realize your career dreams and ensure that you have the best possible chances. Regardless if you are starting your career, looking for a change or looking to return to work after an absence - career coaching offers you the tools and the knowledge to be successful.

Take advantage of the career coaching opportunity and the AVGS, to further your career and reach find a job that fulfills you and meets your long-term goals.


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