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How Career Coaching Eases Migrants' Entry into the German Job Market

Entering the German job market presents a significant challenge for many migrants. Language barriers, cultural differences, and the recognition of foreign qualifications are just some of the obstacles they face. This blog discusses how career coaching can help migrants overcome these barriers and build successful careers in Germany.

The Challenges Migrants Face When Entering the German Job Market

Ein Bild von einer Deutschlehrerin an einer Tafel während des Unterrichts mit einer Schülerin
  1. Migrants often encounter various obstacles when trying to enter the German job market. One of the biggest challenges is language barriers. Even if migrants are professionally qualified, limited German language skills can significantly hinder their chances on the job market. I often hear from my clients and prospects how frustrated they are because, despite being professionally qualified and usually experienced, they don't get the chance to prove themselves. Receiving only rejections and not even getting a chance to show up for an interview increases frustration. Many migrants also say they will improve their German once they begin working and only need to get their foot in the door. It's crucial to tailor application documents accordingly, network well, and know where and how to apply to find the right company and team that will recognize their potential.

  2. Another challenge is that qualifications and degrees obtained abroad are not always recognized in Germany. Some are still undergoing the recognition process or have not yet initiated it. This often leads to frustration and uncertainty during the job search.

  3. Additionally, the work culture and application processes differ from those in other countries, which can cause further culture shock and make integration more difficult.


What Employers Say

Through many conversations with employers, I've noticed a pattern of the same two challenges that have emerged. On one hand, B2-C1 language proficiency is usually necessary to fulfill the basic requirements. Some companies are open to lower language proficiency if there are one or two employees who can communicate in English (depending on the type of work as well as the location). However, one employer in particular told me that she sets aside resumes as soon as she sees that the applicant hasn't achieved at least B2 proficiency. Unfortunately, the certificate is often very important for employment, although realistically, many people speak German quite well without having a certrain a certificate.

On the other hand, employers report that it's hard to distinguish which applicants will genuinely continue learning German after being hired. From experience, I can say that there are many people that come to Germany and have no intentions to learn German as well as others who are very committed to learning German and have started German courses even before their arrival and are actively continuing.

Ein Bild von einem Mann mit grünem Hemd, der sich mit jemand unterhält und etwas überlegt

The Role of Career Coaching in Supporting Migrants

Career coaching plays a crucial role in supporting migrants on their way into the German job market. Through individual support and tailored goal-setting, we help our clients identify their career goals and develop strategies to achieve them. This also includes hands-on assistance with creating resumes, which look slightly different in Germany, preparing for interviews, and building professional networks. Networking is especially important when competing with applicants who have fluent German skills and German degrees (depending on the field). Additionally, with our module "Personal and Professional Competencies," we help identify their soft skills and incorporate them into applications so that their resumes get noticed.

Career coaching also provides access to important information about the German job market and career opportunities, helping migrants make informed decisions about their professional future.

Ein Bild von zwei Männer, die an einem Tisch stehen und sich Statistiken anschauen

Funded by the Employment Agency or Job Center

Career coaching funded by the Employment Agency or Jobcenter offers a valuable resource for migrants seeking professional support in Germany. One of my clients told me at the beginning of the coaching that she had previously received application tips from her wife, who had a completely different career path and therefore faced different and fewer challenges. She had been working for one company for years and hadn't had to write a job application for a long time! Through coaching, we were able to tailor my client's documents to match her skills, goals and not get electronically filtered out by ATS.

It's unique in Germany to receive such comprehensive support from the Employment Agency.

Our modules are specifically designed to help migrants achieve their career goals and successfully integrate into the German job market. They include individual advice, job search support, and strengthening of other relevant skills.


Overall, career coaching can help migrants overcome the challenges of entering the German job market and build successful careers. Through individual support, practical assistance, and funded programs, they can improve their career prospects and achieve long-term success. It is important for migrants to utilize the resources available to them and actively seek support to achieve their career goals.

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